Jimma University

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Jimma University

Jimma University (JU), Ethiopia’s first innovative Community-Oriented Education Institution of Higher Learning, is a public higher education institution established in 1997 on the foundation and campus of the former Jimma Institute of Health Sciences. The University has vital research and teaching collaborations with various national and international institutions to build a culture of excellence in research and advanced training programs that address both local and global public needs.

The JU-CBMP consortium includes Ambo University, Arsi University, Gambella Health Science College, Sellale University, and Wollega University. The program focuses on two pillars of information revolution (IR) to build the capacity of officials and data users from regional health bureaus, zonal health departments, woreda health offices, health centers, and healthcare providers at the facilities. Through this program, JU-CBMP has reached a total of 22 districts in the Oromia region, 4 in Gambella, and 3 in Southwest Ethiopia, covering 5 referral hospitals, 3 general hospitals, and 7 primary hospitals, as well as 117 health centers and 522 health posts.

Current assessments reveal that 17% of the Primary Health Care Units (PHCUs) and 11% of Woreda Health Offices (WoHOs) have become model facilities, showing significant improvement from the baseline.JU-CBMP has also established a Center of Excellence (CoE) in Electronic Community Health Information Systems (eCHIS) to build local capacity, with an emphasis on research, innovation, and training.